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National and EU-Cybercrime Platform

Die National and EU-Cybercrime Platform oder European Cyber Crime Platform (ECCP) ist eine Datenbank für den Austausch der Polizeien im Rahmen der EU.

Information der EU-Kommission

Die EU-Kommission erläutert die ECCP folgendermaßen:

  • In 2008, the French Council presidency invited Member States to establish national Cybercrime Alert Platforms, and Europol a European Cybercrime Alert Platform, for the purpose of collecting, analysing and exchanging information about offences committed on the internet. Citizens may report to their national platforms cases of illicit content or behaviour detected on the internet. The European Cybercrime Platform (ECCP), managed by Europol, would act as an information hub, analysing and exchanging with national law enforcement authorities information related to cybercrime falling under Europol’s mandate. To date, almost all Member States have established national cybercrime alert platforms. Europol is working on the technical implementation of the ECCP and may soon deploy its SIENA application to enhance data sharing with national platforms. To the extent that such information sharing concerns the processing of personal data by Europol, the specific data protection rules contained in the Europol Decision (Council Decision 2009/371/JHA), as well as Regulation (EC) 45/2001, Council of Europe Convention 108, its Additional Protocol 181 and the Police Recommendation apply.60 The provisions of Council Framework Decision 2008/977/JHA regulate the exchange of personal data between Member States and Europol.61 In the absence of a legal instrument, there is no formal review mechanism for cybercrime alert platforms. However, Europol already covers this important area and, in future, will report on the activities of the ECCP in its Annual Report submitted to the Council for endorsement and to the European Parliament for information.

Quelle: Papier der EU-Komission (pdf)