= Schwedische Initiative = Die Schwedische Initiative <> ist ein Projekt zum einfacheren Datenaustausch der nationalen Polizeibehörden in der [[Datenbanken EU|EU]]. == Begrifferläuterung == Die [[Datenbanken EU|EU]]-Komission meint dazu: ... the Council adopted in 2006 the Swedish initiative, which streamlines the sharing between Member States of any existing information or criminal intelligence that might be necessary for a criminal investigation or criminal intelligence operation. This instrument is rooted in the policy principle of ‘equivalent access,’ according to which the conditions applicable to cross-border data exchange should be no stricter than those regulating domestic access. The Swedish initiative operates in a decentralised manner and enables the police, customs and any other authority with the power to investigate criminal offences (with the exception of the intelligence services, which typically handle intelligence relating to national or state security) to share information and criminal intelligence with their counterparts across the EU. Member States must designate national contact points to handle urgent requests for information. This measure sets clear time limits for the exchange of information and requires Member States to fill in a form when requesting data. Member States are required to respond to requests for information and intelligence within 8 hours in urgent cases, within one week in non-urgent cases and within two weeks in all other cases. The use of information and intelligence obtained via this instrument is subject to domestic data protection laws, where Member States are not permitted to apply differential treatment to domestically sourced data and those sourced from other Member States. A supplying Member State may, however, set conditions for the use of information or intelligence in other Member States. Personal data must be processed in accordance with national data protection legislation, as well as Council of Europe Convention 108, its Additional Protocol 181 and the Police Recommendation. 12 of the 31 signatories to this measure (including EU Member States, as well as Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein) have adopted national legislation to implement it; five states regularly fill in the form to request information; but only two states use it on a frequent basis to exchange information. The Commission is to submit its evaluation report to the Council before the end of 2010. Quelle: [[http://www.statewatch.org/news/2010/jul/eu-com-overview-information-management-com-385-10.pdf|EU Komission]] (pdf)